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Populärvetenskapliga artiklar
| Nordborg, F., Nilsson, U. & Örlander, G.
2002. Inversmarkberedning
- snabbare plantetablering och mer näring till plantan. SLU, Fakta skog
9. |
Johansson, K., Agestam, E., Johansson, U., & Nilsson, U. 2002.
Skador i
samband med gallring i granskog - en litteraturstudie. Granprogrammets
web-stencil serie, 1. |
Nilsson, U., Bergquist, J., & Langvall, O. 2000.
eller täckrot i sydsvenska granplanteringar. Plantaktuellt 4 |
Johansson, K. 2005.
Tillväxt och överlevnad hos nio olika planttyper av gran. |
Publicering i vetenskapliga tidskrifter
Berglund, M., Rönnberg, J.,
Holmer, L. & Stenlid, J. 2005. Comparison of five strains
of Phlebiopsis gigantea and two Trichoderma formulations for
treatment against natural Heterobasidion spore infections on Norway
spruce stumps. Scand. J. For. Res. 20: 12-17. |
Berglund, M. &
Rönnberg, J. 2004. Effectiveness of treatment of Norway spruce stumps with
Phlebiopsis gigantea at different rates of coverage for the control of
Heterobasidion. For. Path. 34: 233-243. |
Pukkala, T., Möykkynen, T., Thor,
M, Rönnberg, J. & Stenlid, J. 2005. Modeling infection and
spread of Heterobasidion annosum in even-aged Fennoscandian conifer
stands. Can. J. For. Res. 35: 74-85. |
Pettersson, M.,
Rönnberg, J., Vollbrecht, G. & Gemmel, P. 2003. The
effect of thinning and Phlebiopsis gigantea stump treatment on the
growth of Heterobasidion parviporum inoculated in Picea abies.
Scand. J. For. Res. 18: 362-367. |
Berglund, M.,
200X. Comparison of the growth of Heterobasidion
annosum and Heterobasidion parviporum in southern and
northern Sweden following inoculation of Norway spruce trees and stumps.
Presently published in thesis. Peer reviewed planned to December 2005.
Berglund, M. & Rönnberg, J.,
200X. Limits in size and age of Norway spruce trees for
Heterobasidion spore infection and subsequent spread after precommercial
thinning. In prep. planned to December 2008. |
Rönnberg, J.,
Pratt, J., Petrylaite, E. & Nilsson, G., 200X.
Heterobasidion infection of Pinus
silvestris stumps and the importance for infection of Norway spruce in
mixed stands. Manuscript under language revision. |
Rönnberg, J.,
Petrylaite, E., Johansson, U. & Berglund, M., 200X. Mapping of infection by
Heterobasidion in Norway spruce stands under different management regimes.
In prep. autumn 2005. |
Rönnberg, J. &
Evgeny, S. 200X. Efficacy of different
concentrations of Rotstop® and RotstopS and imperfect
cover of RotstopS against Heterobasidion spp. infections on
Norway spruce stumps. In prep. planned to December 2005. |
Berglund, M.,
200X. Infection of young Norway spruce and hybrid larch planted on
Heterobasidion infested agricultural soil. In prep. not planned. |
Berglund, M. &
Rönnberg, J., 200X. The long term effect on the
spread of Heterobasidion infection on Norway spruce stumps treated with
different coverage of Phlebiopsis gigantea. In prep. not
planned. |
Rönnberg, J.,
Berglund, M., Gemmel, P., Vollbrecht, G. & Elfving, B., 200X. Management of
Norway spruce to reduce the incidence of Heterobasidion infection and risk for
windthrow. Low priority, working report?? |
Rönnberg, J.,
Johansson, U., Berglund, M. & Sallnäs, O., 200X. Incidence of butt rot in
consequtive rotations of Norway spruce and the possible profitability from
stump treatment at clear felling. In prep. planned to April 2006. |
Thomsen, I.
M., Jørgensen, B. B. & Rönnberg, J., 200X. Incidence of root and butt rot in a
Danish tree species experiment established on former agricultural or forest
land. In prep. not planned. ?? |
Bergquist, J., Kullberg, Y and,
Örlander, G. 2001. Effects of shelterwood and soil scarification on deer
browsing on planted Norway spruce Picea abies L. (Karst) seedlings.
Forestry 74: 359-367. |
Bergquist, J., Bergström, R., & Zakharenka, A. 2002. Responses
of young Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) to winter browsing by roe deer
(Capreolus capreolus). Scand. J. For. Res. 18: 368-376 |
Bergquist, J., Örlander, G., & Nilsson, U. 2003.
among forestry regeneration treatments, plant vigour and browsing damage by
deer. New For. 25: 25-40 |
Högbom, L., Nilsson, U., & Nilsson, U. 2002. Nitrate dynamics after
clear felling monitored by in vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and natural 15N
abundance of Deschampsia flexuose (L.) Trin. For. Ecol. manage. 160: 273-280 |
Johansson, K., Söderbergh, I.,
Nilsson, U. & Allen, H. L. 2005.
Effects of scarification and mulch on establishment and growth of six
different clones of Picea abies.
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research. (In press). |
Johansson, K.
Nilsson, U. Allen, L. 2005.
Interactions between soil scarification treatments and
seedling types of Norway spruce. New Forest.
Accepted manuscript. |
Karlsson, M., Nilsson, U. &
Örlander, G. 2002. Natural regeneration on clearcuts – effects of
scarification, slash removal and year of cutting Scand. J. For. Res. 17,
131-138 |
M. & Nilsson, U. 2004. The effect of scarification and shelterwood
treatments on natural regenerated seedlings of occurring tree species in
southern Sweden. For. Ecol. Manage. Accepted manuscript |
Langvall, O.,
Nilsson, U. & Örlander, G. 2001. Frost damage to planted Norway spruce
seedlings - influence of site preparation and seedling type. For. Ecol.
Manage. 141: 223-235 |
Nilsson, U., Gemmel, P.,
Johansson, U., Karlsson, M. & Welander, T. 2002. Natural
regeneration of Norway spruce, Scots pine and birch under Norway spruce
shelterwoods of varying densities on a mesic-dry site in southern Sweden. For.
Ecol. Manage. 161 133-145. |
Langvall, O., Nilsson, U.
& Örlander, G. 2001. Frost damage to planted Norway spruce seedlings -
influence of site preparation and seedling type. For. Ecol. Manage. 141:
223-235 |
Nilsson, U., Gemmel, P., Johansson, U., Karlsson, M. & Welander, T. 2002.
regeneration of Norway spruce, Scots pine and birch under Norway spruce
shelterwoods of varying densities on a mesic-dry site in southern Sweden.
For. Ecol. Manage. 161 133-145. |
Nilsson, U. & Örlander, G. 2003. Response
of newly planted Norway spruce seedlings to fertilisation, irrigation and
herbicide treatments. Ann. For. Sci. 60: 637-643 |
Nilsson, U. &
Allen, H.L. 2003. Short- and long-term effects of
site preparation, fertilization and vegetation control on growth and stand
development of planted loblolly pine. For. Ecol. Manage. 175, 367-377 |
Nordborg, F. & Nilsson, U. &
Örlander, G. 2003. Net nitrogen uptake and growth of newly planted Picea
abies (L.) Karst. seedlings as affected by different soil treatments.
For. Ecol. Manage. 180: 571-582. |
Nordborg, F., & Nilsson, U. 2003.
Growth and net nitrogen uptake in Picea abies (L.) Karst. seedlings,
effects of fertilization and site preparation. Ann. For. Sci.
657-666 |
Petersson, M., Örlander, G., & Nilsson, U.
2004. Feeding barriers to
reduce damage by Pine weevil (Hylobius abietis). Scand. J. For. Res. 19:
48-59. |
Örlander, G., Nordborg, F. & Gemmel, P.
2002. Effects of complete deep-soil cultivation on initial forest stand
development. Stud. For. Suec. 213: 1-20. |
Johansson, K.,
Örlander, G. & Nilsson, U. The Effects of Mulching on Competing Vegetation,
Growth and Damage by Pine Weevil in Young Plantations of Norway Spruce (Picea
abies L. Karst.) (manuscript). |
Karlsson, M,.
Oleskog, G., Johansson, U., and Nilsson, U. Natural regeneration in Scots pine
shelterwoods and adjacent clearcuts. Alla data insamlade hösten 2004, skrivs
2006. |
Nilsson, U.
and Nordborg, F. Nutrient uptake and recycling in planted Norway spruce
seedlings. Alla data insamlade, skrivs 2005. |
Nordborg, F.
Jacobsson, C. and Nilsson, U. Growth and nutrient uptake in Norway spruce
seedlings planted on clearcuts and in Scots pine shelterwoods. Alla data
insamlade hösten 2004, skrivs 2006. |
Nordborg, F.,
Nilsson, U., Gemmel, P., & Örlander, G. High and low intensive site
preparation: A comparative study of total nitrogen and carbon stocks in three
conifer plantations ten year after treatment. For. Ecol. Manage. (submitted
manuscript) |
Nilsson, U., Karlsson, M. &
Örlander G. 200X. Establishing mixed forests by planting of
Norway spruce seedlings under Scots pine shelterwood. Alla data insamlade,
Manus färdigt, skickas in 2005. |
Egnell, G.,
Nillson, U, & Örlander, G. Effects of slash removal on survival and growth of
planted Norway spruce seedlings. Alla data insamlade. |
Nordborg, F. Nilsson, U. &
Örlander, G. 200x. Heterogeneity in Norway spruce
plantations. Alla data insamlade. |
Langvall, O.
Difference in bud burst and frost damage to two types of Norway spruce
seedlings. Alla data insamlade, skrivs 2004 |
Langvall, O.
Combined effects of silvicultural methods on frost damage to Norway spruce
seedlings. Alla data insamlade, skrivs 2004 |
Hannerz, M,
Langvall, O. and Nilsson, U. Modeling frost damage risk with respect to
silvicultural methods. Bearbetning 2004, skrivs 2005. |
Gallring och beståndsbehandling
Nilsson, U., Albaugh, T.J. & Allen, H.L.
2003. Development of size hierachies prior to the onset of density-dependent
mortality in irrigated and fertilized loblolly pine stands. Can. J. For. Res.
32: 989-996. |
Agestam, E., Karlsson, M. & Nilsson, U.
2005. Mixed Forests as a Part of Sustainable Forestry in Sweden J. Sust. For.
(In press) |
Albaugh, T.,
Bergh, J., Linder, S., Nilsson, U., Allen, H.L. Biomass functions for young
Norway spruce trees. Alla data insamlade, skrivs 2005-2006 |
Nilsson, U.
and Gemmel P. Effects of replacement planting in gaps in Norway spruce
plantations on long term growth. Alla data insamlade, manus färdigt, skickas
in 2005. |
Pfister, O.,
Walentin, C., Ekö, P-M., Johansson, U., and Nilsson, U. Silviculture in spruce
with wide spacing. Effects on quality trades. Datainsamling under 2004, skrivs
2005-2006 |
Pfister, O.,
Gemmel, P., and Nilsson, U. The influence of gaps on wood quality in planted
Norway spruce. Datainsamling under 2004-2005, skrivs 2006. |
Pfister, O., Nilsson, U., Säll,
H. & Örlander, G. 200X. Effect of thinning program and
fertilization on future fiber- and wood quality in Norway spruce plantations.
Skrivs 2007. |
Walentin, C.,
Nilsson, U. and Nordfjell, T. Damage to stem and roots after mechanised
thinning in south Swedish Norway spruce plantations. In prep, skrivs 2005
Walentin, C.,
Pfister, O., Ekö, P-M and Johansson, U. Silviculture in spruce with wide
spacing. Economical considerations. Datainsamling under 2004, skrivs 2005-2006 |
Walentin, C.
Thinning in Norway spruce. Effects on morphology, allocation and growth. Alla
data insamlade hösten 2005, skrivs 2006. |
Walentin, C.,
Johansson, U. and Nilsson, U. Thinning response in relation to light,
nutrients and water. Alla data insamlade hösten 2005, skrivs 2006. |
Ekö, P-M,
Johansson, U., and Walentin, C. The effects of thinning on stem form -
implications on growth response. Alla data insamlade, skrivs 2005-2006 |
Ekö, P-M,
Johansson, U., and Walentin, C. Individual stem selection at thinnings in
Norway spruce - effects on growth, wood quality and economy. Alla data
insamlade, skrivs 2005-2006 |
Gemmel, P., and Ekö, P-M.
Quality and growth of Norway spruce planted under shelter
of different species Datainsamling under 2004, skrivs 2005-2006. |
Abrahamsson, Lindbladh & Niklasson. The diversity of
saproxylic beetles on high-stumps of Picea abies and Betula spp. in different
landscape types in southern Sweden – a comparison between biodiversity
“hotspot” areas and production forests. Alla data insamlade hösten 2005,
skrivs hösten 2006/2007 |
Abrahamsson, Lindbladh & Rönnberg. The effect of root rot
of Heterobasidion annosum on high stumps of Picea abies on the fauna of
saproxylic beetles. All data insamlad hösten -2005, skrivs 2006/2007. |
Jonsell, Abrahamsson, & Lindbladh. A comparison of the
substrates high stumps vs. tops and branches for the diversity of saproxylic
beetles in different landscapes. Alla data insamlade, skrivs 2007. |
Lindbladh & Abrahamsson. Saproxylic beetle fauna in
high-stumps of Spruce from first and third thinning. Alla data insamlade
hösten 2005, skrivs 2006. |
Abrahamsson, M
& Lindbladh, M (under review Forest Ecology and Management) Saproxylic beetles
and man-made dead wood – a substrate comparison between high and low stumps of
spruce (Picea abies) |
Lindbladh, M,
Abrahamnsson, M & Seedre, M (manuskript) Saproxylic beetles in artificially
created high-stumps of spruce and birch located close or distant to hot-spot
areas |
Pukkala, T., Möykkynen, T., Thor,
M., Rönnberg, J. & Stenlid, J., 200X. Modeling infection
and spread of Heterobasidion annosum in even-aged Fennoscandian conifer
stands. Can. J. For. Res. accepted for publication. |
Fahlvik, N.,
Nyström, K. Growth function for the development of young Norway spruce, Scots
pine and birch in southern Sweden. Scand. J. For. Res (accepted manuscript) |
Fahlvik, F., Agestam, E.,
Nilsson, U., & Nyström, K. 2005. Simulating the
influence of initial stand structure on the development of young mixtures of
Norway spruce and birch. For. Ecol. Manage. (In press). |
Agestam, E.,
Ekö, P-M., Fahlvik, N., Johansson, U., Karlsson, M., Nilsson, U., Nordborg,
F., Rönnberg, J. Modelling effects of silvicultural methods in planted Norway
spruce stands. Bearbetning 2004-2005, Skrivs 2006. |
Nordborg, F.,
Mason, E., and Landsberg, J. A process-based model for establishment and
growth of planted Norway spruce seedlings. Bearbetning och
sammanställning under 2004-2005. |
Nilsson, U., Örlander, G. &
Petersson, M. 200X. Modelling mortality by Pine weevil in
Norway spruce plantation in southern Sweden. Planned to 2006. |
Johansson, K. & Nordborg, F.
2004. Simulation of soil water availability in south
Swedish clearcuts. Alla data insamlade, skrivs 2004. |
Nordborg, F.,
Langvall, O. Modeling effects of frost damage and competition from
shelter-trees on the growth of planted Norway spruce seedlings. Data är
insamlade, skrivs 2005. |
Johansson, K.
2004. Interactions between site preparation, seedling type and genetics on the
establishment of Norway spruce. Dissertation May 2004. |
Berglund, M.
2005. Control of Heterobasidion annosum by silvicultural treatments.
Dissertation April 2005. |
Walentin, C.
2006. Thinning in Norway spruce. |
Pfister, O.
2007. Effects of silvicultural methods on wood quality in Norway spruce. |
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